Why is the Concept of Culture Important |
When you move to a new environment that you know little to nothing about, it can really feel helpless. It is hard to know where to start. Because there is a very big difference between arriving in a country and entering a country, for entering a country has much to do with functioning in a new system.
A culture is an environment full of elements which sustain all that lives within it. Cultures are created by traditions and laws that regulate communities. Therefore, cultures are also systems. If you are fortunate enough to be exposed to a new culture and/or new ways of functioning and different standards, expectations, and beliefs without being given information depending on where you coming from, the first reaction you get to the differences is being protective. When you move to a new culture you really become like a baby. You start to learn everything, everything looks new to your eyes, you start life from building relationships, learning about the food, the language, making sense of everything, exploring the arts, new places, seeking work, learning different perspectives, etc.
We wondered, how can people be allowed to start a life in the USA without getting basic information about the laws that regulate the community that they are entering and expect to be successful?
The less information you have about a community that you enter, the harder it is to make sustainable relationships, the less value you are able to add to their lives, and the more dangerous you can seem to that community because of stereotypes. Integration is a process but the quicker and easier you can get the information the easier it is to relate to others, and quicker you can add value to the new community.
"When I saw how immigrants isolate themselves from Americans, I felt how lucky I was to find myself in an American family that exposed me to American culture. My friends David and Whitley Marshall exposed and guided me in everything, I got oriented by them for they knew my culture and told me what to do and what not to do," says Patrick Kiruhura. To enter a new culture to become a valuable member you need to go in a such process:
- Getting right information from the local people - Getting a good understanding by being exposed on the new culture in guidance of the local people - Application of the new culture or experience in the local community guided by local people Our BeliefsWe believe that diversity is a big asset to America, It represents Innovation, Different Perspectives, Different ways of doing things, Opportunity to learn new things and experience new culture without traveling , Creativity etc..
We believe that Portland Maine is doing a lot already , that is why we want to add this value of creating platforms that educate people the importance of having knowledge of other cultures, Orient people how to navigate within a new culture ,and how you integrate a new culture without changing who they are to become a value to that community. We value being connected with all culture groups and individuals. Our platform aims to create a better way to explore new cultures, for born Americans to learn about various cultures and the immigrants to have a better understanding of American culture in order to thrive as they integrate into American society.
We believe that Portland can be the most inclusive environment in America, and the most welcoming place to immigrants and visitors. We need to participate to make it a home for this very diverse community and make it a home of valuable community members by considering and better understanding their cultural and environmental backgrounds. |